
Breeding type of Mangalica:

  • blonde Mangalica
  • swallow-bellied Mangalica
  • red Magalica
  • black Magalica

The Mangalica, developed in the 19th century, was a popular breed of pig in the Carpathian Basin. It rose to global fame as it is both easy to keep and produces a remarkably high quantity of clear fat. The curly-haired Sumadia breed contributed to the development of the blonde Mangalica in the 1830s. The swallow-bellied Mangalica was the result of further breeding with the Szalonta pig. The red variety is the most recent and was produced from interbreeding with Szalonta and Újszalonta pigs in the early 20th century.

The Hungarian Mangalica has a medium-sized body and grows to the following sizes:


Sex Age Height (cm) Weight (kg)
Sow 1 64-67 90-100
2 72-73 120-140
3 74-77 140-160
Boar 1 65-70 100-120
2 75-80 130-150
3 80-85 150-170


The blonde Mangalica has several colourings in its coat, such as grey, yellow and reddish; this coloration is caused by the manner in which the animals are kept and soil conditions. (Picture 1 and 2)

The red Mangalica’s coat can be a dark or light shade of brownish red. (Picture 3 and 4)

The swallow-bellied Mangalica’s coat is black on the sides and back, while the lower half of the body, belly and neck are white or grey-silver. The tail is white with a black tip. (Picture 5 and 6)

The Mangalica has grey-black pigment, and the inside of its mouth, nipples and hooves are black. There is a lighter “Wellmann Spot” (3-5cm in diameter) at the bottom edge of the ear, which is typical of the Mangalica breed.

The coat is thick, long and dense, and forms curlicues in winter, while it is finer, shorter and smoother in summer. This curly coat is typical of the Mangalica breed. Very curly rings, or straight and coarse bristles on the line of the back and side are not desirable. A coat that is too fine or woolly is also to be avoided. Coarse hair or black tips are indicators of another breed in the pig's lineage.

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Picture 1 : Blond Mangalica Boar   Picture 2: Blond Mangalica Sow
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Picture 3: Red Mangalica Boar   Picture 4: Red Mangalica Sow
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Picture 5: Swallow-bellied Mangalica Boar   Picture 6: Swallow-bellied Mangalica Sow

The head is of medium length, the nose is slightly upturned, and the ears are medium-sized and bend forward. The eyes are brown, the eyebrows and lashes are black.

The base of the tail is characteristically thick, and the tip of the tail is always black. The back is slightly curved and short or medium-sized. The bone structure is fine, but very robust. Sows have a minimum of five teats on either side.

Undesirable characteristics:

  • light or pink pigment on the belly,
  • unpigmented body openings,
  • dark brown or black hair tips,
  • ears with brown or black hair,
  • coat that is too fine or too coarse,
  • ears that are too small and standing, or too large and drooping,
  • soft pastern.

Non-permissable characteristics:

  • localised white pigment spots,
  • black or brown spots on the coat,
  • yellow or yellow-streaked hooves,
  • pink teats,
  • completely white tail tip,
  • white eyebrows or lashes.


Purpose of breeding:

Maintaining the Mangalica pig's genetic identity and phenotype. This requires the physical and behavioural attributes of all three types to be maintained with the least loss of genetic material, while avoiding inbreeding.

Maintaining the breed created at the beginning of the 1900s for its ability to adapt to natural conditions and resistance to cold, as well as its relatively good growth rate and reproductive capacity. Given that the animals are traditionally kept in groups, maintaining their natural social behaviour and favourable temperament is also essential.

Another important objective is to achieve the internationally agreed minimum of 1,000 sows and thereby leave the endangered category. It is therefore necessary to develop breeding programmes that meet the requirements of the Mangalica breed while producing a product that satisfies a unique niche in the market.



Address: 1072 Budapest Hungary, ground floor 42-48 Akácfa Street
Telephone: +36-30-358-31-55
E-mail: klauzal@mangalicamennyorszag.hu
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mangalicamennyorszag/