
Mangalica Heaven is the first and only specialised shop in Hungary – and the world - to offer nothing but origin-certified Mangalica meat products. The shop can be found in Budapest's answer to Soho in the refurbished Klauzál Square Market Hall of Erzsébetváros.

The butcher’s shop carries an assortment of products from the most successful Mangalica breeders in the country. Our comprehensive selection includes whole chops, sliced meat and delicious offals. In addition to bacon on the bone, sliced pork chops, tenderloin and dried hams to other classic meat products – such as brawn, liver pâté, and Mangalica sausage-filled sheep gut – we also offer traditional dried products: sausage and salami.

During the procurement and retail process of the meat we place great emphasis on monitoring sources and ensuring that all food is of certified origin, which is guaranteed by the Hungarian National Association of Mangalica Breeders.


Address: 1072 Budapest Hungary, ground floor 42-48 Akácfa Street
Telephone: +36-30-358-31-55
E-mail: klauzal@mangalicamennyorszag.hu
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mangalicamennyorszag/