Mangalica breeders’ introducing


11 Vörösmarty Street , 4185 Kaba Hungary

MOE Member: Since 2005
Region: Észak-Alföld
County: Hajdú-Bihar
Area: Kaba
Mangalica type: blonde
Numbers of blonde Mangalica: 80


Kövér Zoltán's family is engaged in breeding and sales of Mangalica pigs, and has been marketing its own products since 2005. As members of the National Association of Mangalica (MOE), their stock comprises 46 Mangalica pedigree sows and one pedigree Mangalica boar.

A processing plant on their premises handles all the various stages of processing Mangalica meat, including curing of traditional, additive-free peasant sausages, salami, hams and meats.
Their farm is also able to provide the appropriate conditions and nutrition for the livestock. With regard to processed animal products the farm can produce traditional and additive-free dry goods for the customers.

Also a trout breeder and cheesemaker, Kövér has received a prestigious producer's award from the Magyar Konyha gastronomy magazine. Without outstanding ingredients, high-quality catering is impossible. The Restaurant of the Year Award was handed over during The Hennessy Dining Guide Ceremony.

The Hungarian Mangalica pigs has 200 years of history in our country, including the 50-year success story. From 1955, however, the registered number of pedigree sows decreased from 18,000 to 243 (1.3% of the former stock) in 10 years, and to just 35-40 (0.2%) a further five years later.

Some of the Mangalica pigs are currently processed at the farm, while others are sold as livestock. Kövér's farm has been processing and selling Mangalica products for more than five years. Sales have been continually growing, so increasing volumes of Mangalica are now being sold in processed form each year. The farm's primary aim is to sell all its fattened Mangalica in processed form.


Address: 1072 Budapest Hungary, ground floor 42-48 Akácfa Street
Telephone: +36-30-358-31-55