Mangalica breeders’ introducing


121/3 Rózsadomb, 8283 Káptalantóti Hungary

MOE Member: Since 2006
Region: Közép-Dunántúl
County: Veszprém
Area: Káptalantóti
Mangalica type: red, blonde
Numbers of red Mangalica: 27
Numbers of blonde Mangalica: 36


Tibor Magyaródi was born in Zalaegerszeg in 1982. He was graduated as a chartered agri- and horticultural engineer in Keszthely. After graduation, he started to work at your parents business (Istvándi and Co. Ltd., Káptalantóti), for which the main profile is grape growing and winemaking. Nevertheless, in recent years, they deal with livestock farming and it can say he is standing in front of a successful future, thanks for their results a relatively short space of time.

On the farm 60 sows (36 blond and 24 red ones) give birth for 5-8 pieces of Mangalica; it can allow approximately 600 pieces of them in a year. The forge consists of corn, barley, triticale and a lot of alfalfa (the pigs are fed with them from spring to autumn). These forge is reared by Magyaródi family in their fields. Mangalicas do not get bulking agents or antibiotics. It can not be compered the structure of Mangalica’s body with other pigs’. This type of Mangalica hosts for the good condition of holding, so they reproduce higher litter, and it can cause better sales of forge. The sows are held in groups and in the open air, just 1-2 weeks before farrowing they are put in into the farrowing crates. Here they can get ready for the farrowing in the separated, piglet cages with automatic drinkers. 1-10 piglets can be anything from the final score. The pigs are separated from the sow at 6-7 week, it impacts form the condition of piglets and sow. Then the piglets go to other separate area. Here they are until their weight will be approx. 30-35 kg. Here the automatic drinkers and self-feeder ensure the smooth flow of nutrition, but they can go indoor space as well. From there, they go to the pens of fattening and reach the slaughter weight (between 100 and 150 kg). However, the ideal weight is 120-130 kg.


Address: 1072 Budapest Hungary, ground floor 42-48 Akácfa Street
Telephone: +36-30-358-31-55